Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Dog-Eat-Dog World

I've been a little surprised as I've been reading the newspaper and watching the news over the last few weeks to hear all of the outrage over Michael Vick's dogfighting charges. I'm not surprised necessarily that their is such a hubub...dogfighitng is a cruel and inhumane sport.

Rather, what surprises me so much is the fact that our federal court system and media sources are making such a big deal out of just how "cruel and reprehensible" it is, while a blind eye is still turned to the issue of abortion.

I wonder why our society views the killing of animals a higher crime than the killing of babies? Why is the soul-less life of a beast more highly valued than the living soul of a child? And what does this mean for our country's future, if something is not done?

Now as I said before, I find dogfighting to be cruel...I'm not trying to say that it's not. What I am trying to demonstrate is that the life of a human should be valued much more highly than the life of an animal.

So what can we do to bring about effective change in this realm of government, to bring things back to the Biblical standard?

I am amazed at the irony. Men love sin, and hate Christ. So anyone who attempts to reform the government will be hated, and most likely have all or most of their work undone as soon as they leave office, since their following will not like the effective changes they may bring about for the good of those same men. But there is hope...

"And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved." - Matt 10:22 (NKJV)

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