Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Safety First

Let me start this off with a disclaimer. Though it is nothing too horribly off color for those over the age of maybe sixteen or so, this topic does touch upon some adult contentof the nature that you may not wish to explain to young children just yet...so choose caution in reading it aloud.

Things have been absolutely nuts around here...I mean insane. I finally got down to Kentucky and established here in Berea to start my new life as a college student, and all the good stuff that comes with that pursuit.

Sadly though, there's a lot of garbage that comes with that role as well. There's temptation to sin all around from things that peers are doing, to my own twisted and sinful creativity. I truly need no help to sin...

But what really struck me this week is something that happened as I was going through the whole "registration" process that comes with move-in day here on campus. After unloading my stuff with the help of the AMAZING Berea student staff who made it all go so fast, I went down with my dad to activate my "CPO" or "Central Post Office" box.

I had a little trouble getting the stupid thing open, given the fact that I was home schooled and had no prior locker experience. But once I finally cracked the combination in the right order and I removed the mail inside, I was pleasantly surprised to find additional items inside...at least at first.

The items were relatively small and individually-wrapped, so naturally I assumed they were some kind of hard candy. I said just so to my dad as I removed them, but he very quickly corrected me.
"Um, Ben...those aren't candies...those are condoms."

I immediately turned red with embarrasment, which quickly turned to rage. The college had just given me a free licence to sleep around with my future classmates. After quickly desposing of the items I started talking to my dad about how wrong the whole concept was. We agreed that in essense they were saying, "Well, they're going to do it anyway, so we might as well make it safe", but when you think about it, aren't they really saying "hope you get lucky this week"? And even more t han that, aren't they saying "not only that...go be permiscuous...hope you get lucky twice!"

I was quick to explain that the logic behind that idea would be much the same as giving all incoming students an extensive list of pornographic sites "to avoid". In sinful man does such an action prevent trouble, or merely enable it?

What a tragedy that such a policy exists, but particularly so in a college that labels itself as "Christian".

1 comment:

dwcomin said...

Nicely put Ben... I've been watching for this blog :)